Bianca of Bianca Velder Creations
Karyn of Releases by Rudydoof
Steph of Atelier Aqualuna
Vicki of Dragonfly Creation Jewellery
Julie of Meanderings by Julz
Anna of Il Mondo di Redanny
Rachele of Rachele's Originals
Bianca of Bianca Velder Creations
Karyn of Releases by Rudydoof
Steph of Atelier Aqualuna
Vicki of Dragonfly Creation Jewellery
Julie of Meanderings by Julz
Anna of Il Mondo di Redanny
Rachele of Rachele's Originals
Our 17 month old daughter, India, playing Skipper
And a little bit of beading...
An as yet unfinished and unnamed botanical experiment created with RAW (right angle weave)...perhaps "Belindaflora Bigbellyus" would be appropriate?
I finally got my lazy pregnant butt into gear and also started working on my piece for the Dutch Spiral challenge on the Beading Forum. In a moment of beading madness, I decided that it would be a good idea to bead a 3-dimensional tulip.
Have I ever made a 3-dimensional flower before? No.
Have I ever beaded a tulip before? No.
I know the point of a challenge IS to challenge oneself, but sheesh, why do I always set the bar so high?
A tulip is one of those deceptively simple shapes. I thought it was going to be a breeze, but I was kidding myself. Did you ever have to draw a dolphin at school? You think, "A dolphin is a simple shape, how hard can it be to draw?" The answer is HARD! Unless you get the lines and the proportions just so, you end up with a creature which looks more like a hotdog with fins than a dolphin.
I was having the same problem with my beaded tulip. I estimate that I spent more hours unpicking stitches than I did actually stitching them. After a number of prototypes, I think I'm finally on track. My 3D tulip is looking more like a tulip and less like a deflated umbrella having a crisis of identity.
I attempted my first sample of dutch spiral last night and, much to my surprise, I really like it. If it weren't for the challenge, it would no doubt be yet another stitch on my 'must try that one day' list.
In other news, my darling friend Sharon of Mana Moon Studios has bestowed a lovely new award upon me and I haven't had a chance to blog about it yet. I'm sorry Sharon, I haven't forgotten! There is a really nice sentiment behind this award so I will dedicate a whole post to it :)
This fabulous award was bestowed upon me by the lovely Anna of Il Mondo Di Redanny all the way from beautiful Italy! Anna is a multi-talented artist, who creates in many different mediums including polymer clay, paint, and fabric. Her polymer clay fairies and pixies are unbelievably life-like...I'm certain they come alive in the middle of the night, while the rest of the world is sleeping :-)
I now have the honour of passing on this award to five of my most deserving blog friends.
*drumroll please*
And the nominees are:
Sharon of Mana Moon Studios
Karyn of Releases by Rudydoof
Nicole of Beadwright
Julie of Meanderings by Julz; and
Julie of The Jewellery Goddess