The thing about babies
is that they are loved long before they take their first breath...

...I know with my own two,
I was head over heels before I had even cradled them in my arms
or delighted in their newborn scent...

...and I'm pretty certain I was smitten with the *thought* of them before they'd even been conceived...

The anticipation of a bub's arrival is almost too much excitement to bear...

...and not just for the expectant parents,
but for expectant extended family too.
including besotted aunties! :-)

This bracelet speaks of a love that extends beyond time and place,
a perfect, permanent reminder to a precious baby girl that she is loved now and always.

Welcome to the world, baby Annabelle
Bracelets have been popular lately!
Here's a few more I have made recently as custom orders...

A stunning faceted prasiolite takes centre stage,
perfectly pretty in pastel green...

...and six hand fabricated charms of sterling silver leaves and 9 carat gold pebbles adorn the chain...

I also made this variation of my *Nomad* Bracelet...

Completely hand fabricated from sterling silver sheet and wire, with nothing more than my jewelers saw and needle files...

I enjoyed every moment of every detail of this bracelet...

...including stamping the phrase 'go your own way' on the reverse side...
(it's proving to be a popular phrase, and I'm delighted that it resonates with so many souls!)

An exquisite faceted aquamarine nugget completes this special piece...

And speaking of aquamarine...

How I adore it raw!

The stone takes on a whole new beautiful energy when it is left in its natural state...

Loads more custom orders to come,
and honestly,
it's probably all I will have time to create for the remainder of the year.
I'm not taking on any new custom orders for this year,
and I'm already booked out for January.
I'm just finalising the details of my new system for customs, so I'll write all about it soon.
I'm going to steal back some more time for me and my Muse...
...we are (quite literally) spilling over with ideas and have not time nor energy to bring them to life.
2012 will be all about stepping back and finding balance, I think :-)